GOODSMILE 2018年4月26日起接受預約,2018年9月發售: 變形轉蛋 請問您今天要來點兔子嗎? 各450YEN 連稅

Piyokuru 變形轉蛋 請問您今天要來點兔子嗎?(隨機抽選式)


『請問您今天要來點兔子嗎?』角色們的“Piyokuru 變形轉蛋”以隨機抽選販售的形式登場!共有「心愛」、「智乃」、「理世」、「紗路」、「千夜」、「智乃 夏裝Ver.」全6種。“Piyokuru”是款內藏彈簧設計,手指一按就能從蛋型變成人型的新感覺扭蛋。會讓人忍不住上癮的遊玩設計,不只是款紓壓玩具,內附鍊子還能掛在包包上隨身帶著走,作為房間的擺飾也相當適合。請務必入手把玩看看喔!

商品規格:ABS 塗裝完成品・全高:約60mm・1BOX6入(全6種)

Piyokuru: Is the Order a Rabbit?

The characters from “Is the Order a Rabbit?” – now joining the Piyokuru series!

The characters from “Is the Order a Rabbit?” – now available as part of our Piyokuru trading figure series! There are six different characters to collect, including Cocoa, Chino, Rize, Sharo, Chiya, and Chino Summer Version.

This brand new kind of capsule toy features an inner spring, designed to reveal the character hiding inside the egg with a single touch. Enjoy them as a habit forming fidget toy, take them with you via the included ballchain, or proudly display your collection. Be sure to hatch them all!